Divine appointment’s, part 2, He will complete What He has started …

How have 2 months passed already since my last blog? It’s not that there isn’t so much to share & it’s not that I don’t actually plan them in my mind often while laying in bed or driving somewhere. It’s just somehow the sitting down and writing part doesn’t get completed. Sometimes for lack of ways to adequately express God’s goodness and sometimes just for lack of time.

This story is very near & dear to my heart….

While I was in North Carolina in April my son called to tell me, he was planning to go to Tn to visit Kendra & when he planned it with her, she had suggested since it would be Mother’s Day weekend the whole family should come down. Virg had already talked to Ivan, and he said he would come down over the weekend but not as long as Virgil. Virgil suggested I fly down with him & then fly back with Ivan. I wasn’t even home yet from one trip but all about a trip to TN to see Keni & having the family together. He said I needed to purchase the ticket right away because he had already purchased his. He was flying Frontier which I normally don’t fly but it was cheap & I was thrilled to travel with Virgil again, so I immediately got my ticket.  

My niece, Sharon heard about us flying out early and offered to take us to the airport. I decided to have her come to our house and drive with us in my vehicle and then she could bring it back home. Typically, I leave my purse in the car overnight & just bring the key fab inside but this time I brought he purse inside to clean it out before I go. Also, if my purse is inside, I typically leave the key fab in it but this time I took them out and put them on the counter so I wouldn’t forget to give it to Sharon for her return trip. I packed everything into my car before they came, I took one last look around the kitchen then Virgil and I got in the car so  when Sharon arrived, she just got in with us, and off we went. At the airport I pulled up to the curb in the departures, the place was crazy busy, as I reached behind my seat for my purse, I suddenly felt sick. It wasn’t there. I checked in the back and there was no purse there either. Then it hit me, I let it sit on the kitchen chair, which is why when I took that last look around the kitchen, I hadn’t seen it.  The frontier area was packed, and Virgil had to get going so he didn’t miss the flight. I went inside and asked but got the answer I already knew, no license, no go!! So, I walked to the car frustrated with my stupid mistake and that I would be missing this flight with Virgil!! UGH

Sharon drove us home and I started looking for other flight options. There happened to be a flight leaving from Harrisburg on Allegiant this same afternoon. I called my mom to see if she could drive me there, then called the kids to let them know what time I’d be coming in and make sure they could pick me up. I mentioned to the kids that I didn’t know if maybe God had someone for me to meet on this flight from Harrisburg. Kendra said or maybe you just messed up mom! Yeah ok, maybe that too. 😊

Ok you know I Love doing acts of Kindness in Kyles memory & I especially love doing acts of kindness in an airport. There are often stressed-out people in an airport & there are also often many unappreciated workers there. In 2020 I started taking a bag along on my travels to give to the flight attendants when I got off. I also started carrying some individual packed things/candies I could hand out to random strangers. Well now, with the Kindness for Kyle cards, it’s a perfect opportunity to spread kindness and I hope that it continues to wherever people are flying to. My dream would be to see a ripple effect with the cards and people not only receive the card but pass it on. Our world needs Jesus, Kindness is a great way to show Jesus to a stranger.

So back to the trip… I arrived in Harrisburg & got checked in early. I was not going to miss this flight!! After I was at my gate I sat and watched people a bit. I saw a gentleman going around emptying trash cans. I didn’t think that would be a fun job, but he seemed to be having a good time. I walked over and gave him some Chocolate covered Pretzels with a Kindness for Kyle card. Explained I wanted to bless him with an act of kindness in honor of my son. Turned out He also had a special needs child who couldn’t walk or talk. We chatted a bit about the life of a special needs parent and one of his coworkers walked over to join us. I reached into my purse for more chocolate & another card to give him as well. The first man had to move on with his work, but this gentleman was in no hurry. He told me he was a Christian, told me about the rap music he does & also doted about his granddaughter, even showing me pictures! By then they were starting the boarding process for my flight, so I had to get back to my gate.

My new friend, Jarmaul, an employee of the airport

I grabbed my belongings, if you ever traveled with me you know I don’t travel light, so I had my hands full. I decided to just give the bag I had for the flight attendants right away to unload a little and so it didn’t get smashed before they got it at the end. I handed it to the first attendant as I was going in the door. I told her I usually give it on the way out but was afraid it would get smashed. She took it, thanked me & asked where I was sitting. I quickly looked at my ticket and told her my seat number. I asked, “is that a good seat?” She said, “if to like a middle seat.”  I turned up my nose a bit and kept moving. As the last of the people were coming in the flight attendant came back towards me, pointed at me, and said, “I need you to come with me, and bring your bags!” People were looking at me like what has she done, they completely missed her winking at me when she said it. I got up to follow her with no idea what she was doing. We got towards the front of the plane, where she ushered me into an empty row of seats, and they were first class with tons of leg room. I was so shocked, I told her she didn’t need to do this, and she said oh yes I do. I took the seats;  I was crying as we took off. It was a happy cry of course & I was completely blown away at what had just happened. But it gets better y’all….

Flying first class, Gods goodness on this crazy day. there were tears!!

After we took off the team of flight attendants went through the cabin with their food service. They offered me a drink, but I said I had my water & didn’t need anything. I thought I was going to fall asleep for a bit, the whole morning had been a lot!! I also thought it would be super cool to see some kind of cloud or something in a heart shape on this flight. I know after all God just did I still wanted more!! Crazy! 😉

After the crew was done, one of the flight attendants came back to me and asked if I was sure I didn’t want a drink, he said he would be happy to bring me something. I said, “it’s okay you have done so much already!” Just like that he sat down in the empty seat beside me and started asking about Kyle. His name was Jeremiah. He told me he had an uncle with special needs. Growing up he would spend time with him & as a  teenager he had memories of taking his uncle out to eat, cutting up his food for him and helping to feed him. His uncle had passed about 10 years previously and he hadn’t thought about him too much lately but seeing the paper about Kyle, with his pictures, brought it all back and he just had to come chat with me and offer his condolences. I have no idea how one thing led to another, but Jeremiah sat in that seat for the entire remainder of that flight. At one time another flight attendant stopped by our seat, rested her hand on his shoulder. I said oh I’m sorry is he going to get in trouble? She smiled and said no we love Jeremiah, he’s a good man, then kept on walking.

Jeremiah, brothers & sisters in Christ. Only God could have caused our paths to cross like this!

He told me he was a Christian; his parents were Muslims and  escaped Pakistan for religious freedom. Their family disowned them, they could have been killed. His dad kept his Muslim name here in American even though many others would change it, he felt if he kept it he could minister to Muslims here. He told me about his children which he had given Bible names, we talked about the craziness in the world and that even though he was black & I was white we were brothers & sisters in Christ and none of that mattered, How the BLM movement was a ploy to get us against each other. And then another shocker, I found out he had been a police officer so of course we talked about all that had happened in 2020, riots, etc, how we had started Adopt a Cop here in Lancaster, about Kyle & I’s prayer drives and stopping to bless police departments as I travel. His father had talked him into leaving the police force because of how unsafe it had been getting and talked him into taking this job. All the things we had in common to share about was amazing. That hour and a half flew by so quickly and before we knew it they were announcing that flight attendants were to prepare for landing in Nashville. Before he got up I said, “You know I wasn’t even supposed  to be on this flight, I missed my flight out of Philadelphia this morning.” To which Jeremiah responded, “I wasn’t supposed to be on this flight either, my dad is also a flight attendant for Allegiant & this was supposed to be his flight. He called me last night and asked if I could take it.” WOW!! I’m sure God was having a good time watching all this, I could imagine him telling Kyle just check what I am doing here today!!!

Jeremiah went back to work quickly collecting trash & preparing to land. I just looked out the window & pondered it all in my heart!  And then I looked down and saw my heart shape. Maybe it was just me, but it jumped out at me, and I laughed and maybe even cried.

I don’t know about you but I see the shape of a heart, actually almost 2!! Just below the water and the trees…first one is water with some trees around it and then also the sand almost looks like a heart!! I’m claiming them!!

What a day. I’d miss a flight for that any day!! And after all that I had a couple of days ahead with my family & a grandbaby waiting in the pickup area for me when we landed!

My grandbaby was waiting & my kids were hungry! So was I actually!

For I have seen (and still continue to see) the goodness of the Lord HERE in the land of the living!

Psalm 27:13


The work God had started in Kyle, touching people’s life by the life of a special needs child is nowhere near over. God is still working through that amazing Kid I got to spend 24 years with! I am grateful!!




Divine appointments, part 1- God speaks to my heart