Kindness for Kyle

Kindness for Kyle

Kindness for Kyle

Kindness for Kyle • Kindness for Kyle • Kindness for Kyle •

Whoever pursues righteousness & kindness will find Life, Righteousness & honor. Proverbs 21:21


  1. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate:

    "he thanked them for their kindness and support"

    SIMILAR: kindliness kind-heartedness warm-heartedness

a kind act:

"it is a kindness I shall never forget"

SIMILAR: favor service help aid

kind act

good deed

“Kindness is the sincere and voluntary use of one’s time, talent, and resources to better the lives of others, one’s own life, and the world through genuine acts of love, compassion, generosity, and service.”

As Kyle’s mother, I spent a lot of time with him and he didn’t like to sit still so we spent many hours driving, shopping, walking parks and always looking for new places to explore. Everywhere we went Kyle seemed to draw people in. During 2020 when the schools & adult daycares closed, I realized I couldn’t rely on those things anymore & that I would be spending a lot more time with Kyle myself. This turned out to be the biggest blessing for me!! I knew this was only a “season” in our life and wanted to make the very most of it. I prayed often to God asking him to please use us somehow in the craziness of our life. I did not want to sit and wait this season out. Kyle & I went all in. We started doing prayer drives in Lancaster city around our police station & visited there many times to drop off things after we set up “Adopt A Cop” for the station. I decided to take a specific amount of money out of the bank & each day as we drove somewhere to keep Kyle content, we would bless someone somehow. It could be a larger tip at the coffee shop, paying the coffee for the person in the car behind us at the drive through or paying the groceries for the person behind us at the store, to giving cookies to a random stranger at the gas station. Some days we would pick up ice cream & brownies and deliver them to some families from our SNAP (Special needs at Petra) group at church who weren’t able to leave their homes. On a really cold day we drove up to a construction area, the flaggers looked extremely cold. We went to the local coffee shop and picked out 2 coffees, a chai & a hot chocolate. We then drove back to the construction area and offered these to the flaggers who were quite surprised. Since I had 2 hot coffees left & I don’t drink hot coffee we took a city prayer drive and just handed them to random strangers on the street. I would remind Kyle often that this was “our ministry”, the 2 of us together, I wouldn’t have been on the streets had it not been for Kyle. I loved how God drew us to people through Kyles life.

“Rather than showing the rough edges of anger or frustration, may we all find opportunities to show kindness to others, especially those who are near and surely need a gentle touch, a kind smile, a pleasant word, and love that never fails.”

We would love to keep Kyles Legacy going and are asking for help from family, friends, and even total strangers!! If you have received a card along with an “Act of Kindness” in Kyles name please message us in the box below so we can post it here for others to see & to inspire others in ways they can carry on the kindness to people they meet. We are super excited to see these acts of Kindness spread all over the USA & possibly even the world!

If you have received an act of Kindness & card we would absolutly love to hear from you!! Please fill out the form below. You can also use the form to ask to have cards sent to you!

God is full of surprises….

It was an incredible honor to have Kyles story shared by Gabrielle with Fox 43 on a weekly special she does called “On the Bright Side.” I am blown away! Less then a year after Kyles passing. I never want him to be forgotten!!

I’d like to say a special Thank you to Gabrielle for seeing Kyles story as one that needed to be shared and for the great job you did in all of it! You were an absolute pleasure to work with and so thankful God had our paths cross. Also special Thanks to Michelle at Camp Hill for arranging all this, Fox 43 for airing our story, Chief Margeson at Camp Hill for your kind words, and Fern for driving me to camp Hill and being my support. Finally, a big thank you to the local businesses who support me & help make these Kindness for Kyle stops happen!

I am forever blessed!!!

Thank you Jesus for giving Kyle & I a purpose through our hardships in the last years!! Forever grateful!!

share your kindess story

share your kindess story

If you have received an act of kindness in Kyles memory, please tell us about it so we can share it here! We will not share your email address on our site or use it in any way. We would love to know the state you received the card & act of kindness you received if you care to share that. Please let us know if we can share your name or not. If you want to share a picture let us know & we will send you a phone number you can text it to. Thank you so much for your participation! We are so blessed by it! 

  • We have our first response....

    Today I received a gift of kindness in a form of a free sub, even tho it’s just a sub this really touched me because I been struggling financially and this is Gods way of saying “it’s okay I got it under control”

    Thank you! Continue to let God use you!

    -Lancaster, PA

    scroll down to enter your kindness received & to read more testimonies!

  • A Firefighter responds...

    Thanks so much for your donation to the Lancaster city bureau of fire. We appreciate your time and sharing the story of Kyle and his service and kindness to firefighters and police officers

    Peace be with you

    Lancaster City, PA

  • Lewistown Station

    Hi! I am the clerk at the Lewistown station and would like to thank you for the cookies, snack nuts, popcorn and cupcakes you provided our station during the loss of our Trooper Jacques Rougeau. Thank you for extending kindness to us during our time of loss.


the kindness continues!!

Nothing blesses me more in these days without Kyle then hearing about a Kindness done in his name! Please share an act of Kindness received or given so we can share it here. THANK YOU!!

I received this card at the Philadelphia airport on 7/7/23. Headed to Puerto Rico

On 7/6/23 we arrived at the airport about 4:30 pm. After missed flights, delays and flight schedule changes. We found ourselves still at the airport at 5:15 am Friday morning 7/7/23. I had 2 hours of sleep. My wife didn't have any sleep. My daughter (10) was sleeping like a baby. I went to the closest coffee shop in the airport. That is when I receive two cups of coffee and this card. I was ask to pay it forward, and help someone else out in remembrance of my brother Kyle. (I will pay it forward). At the time I'm writing this. It is 5:34 am and I thank God For the little ways that he shows us how much he loves us. For me today he showed his love through a cup of coffee and this card of my brother Kyle. I'm an easy going gentleman, 95% of the time I look at things on the brighter side (my cup is half full) and I believe that your attitude determines. Weather your journey in life is miserable or an enjoyable one. My go to scriptures are Colossians 3 v 1-4, (put on the new self). This card that I received has a picture of my brother Kyle. It really looks like he is enjoying himself. I believe that God showed me How much fun my brother Kyle was having. Kyle did not let his limitations discourage him from enjoying his life. Kyle did not let the destructions of this world take his focus off Lord God. Kyle did not have the attitude as woe is me. My brother Kyle believe so much in Lord Gods power, that he told a mountain to move. That mountain not only moved, but also threw it-self in the sea. Because of Kyle's belief and faith in Lord God.
I'm not focusing on the destructions because my eyes are on heavenly things not worldly this. All is going to be well.
I like to thank my brother Kyle for his encouragement in my life. Even though I never physically met him.
Traveling mercies for all traveling. Please remember that Lord God sent his only son to be a sacrificial lamb for our sins. Jesus was crucified on the cross son we wouldn't have to endure that type of punishment. (Look up the meaning of why they crucified people). After Jesus gave up his own life. He left a present for us. That present was the holy Spirit. The holy Spirit lives inside us believers. With the holy Spirit we can not be defeated. We can not be destroyed and we can not be killed. Now that we astablish that the enemy can not do anything to us, because we have the holy Spirit. WHAT IS STOPPING US FROM LIVING FEARLESS AND ENJOYING ALL THAT GOD HAS FOR US🤔
Be blessed and be a blessing


All the way from Pa to SC!! Sue you are so kind and generous!!! We were given two gift bags filled with treats. Yummy sweet treats for the kids and a lovely purse and wallet with a gift card to our local coffee shop yet too!! What a day brightened for us!! Because of Sue and Kyle we received a special touch from God today through them. Kyle you are not forgotten!! Your beautiful momma is not wasting the pain that she is feeling because of the deep loss since your flight to heaven!! What a beautiful example.
Thank you from the Byler family! Kyle your legacy lives on!

-Abbeyville, SC

Dearest Esh Family, I was so happy to meet you on the Southwest flight earlier today. I’m Denise, the flight attendant to whom you gave the gift bag of goodies to on the way out. I wanted to write and let you know our entire crew was extremely thankful and appreciative. But most importantly, I would like to thank you for sharing Kyle David and your family with us. You were truly blessed with the most amazing son/ brother.
Sadly, I was never fortunate enough to have met him but reading your stories of him made me smile after a long trip, especially of him being in the water and riding “shotgun.”
Although I never had the opportunity to meet Kyle I know he is with Christ now and that we will all be reunited one day. It is amazing how our Lord works in our lives and sometimes puts the right people in the right places at the right time.
I am a strong believer in prayer and became “saved” 5 years ago after a horrific attack that nearly blinded and paralyzed me so I know that God definitely works miracles. I wanted to write as soon as I got home (we were a Baltimore based crew and I live in New Jersey) to let you know how very grateful I was to have met you, albeit only briefly, and let you know your kindness and story of Kyle David will definitely be passed on. He left an huge legacy and continues to do so. Please know that this evening, and forward, you all will be in my prayers as well as my church’s. It is incredible people like you who continue to strengthen my faith. Kyle definitely was a miracle and you were extremely blessed with the most incredibly beautiful son and brother. You are very right, with acts of kindness that continue to be passed on we can change the world. Yesterday, the 22nd, marked the 12th anniversary of losing someone who was extremely special to me, Dr Angela Turco. I know she would have dearly loved Kyle as well. Last night I fell asleep in tears so meeting you today helped me to rely on my faith and remember they she, and Kyle, are both okay in Heaven and we will see them again.
Each morning I wake up and ask God to please let me make a positive difference to just one person. Today, you (and Kyle David) made a difference to me.

With love and gratefulness, D.

On December 20th we received chocolate covered pretzels and crackers as well as 10 customers parking were paid forward. This act of kindness encouraged 2 others to continue the act as well.

Sincere Thank You from the Valet Team at Hershey Medical Center.

I am a Camp Hill Police officer and you have blessed our station twice now. Your story brought tears and humbled me, and I am thankful for people like you in this world . I would have loved to have met Kyle

-Camp Hill, PA

A Special “Kindness for Kyle” Easter celebration

I typically like to do something special for these girls for Easter, sometimes just a candy hunt & we’ve also done a neighborhood giving treasure hunt. Last year I decided if I did an event on the road with the girls, I could take Kyle along as well and we could bless some police stations. Because of busy lives and schedules, we never got it done but i put it on the shelf for this year, never thinking for a moment Kyle wouldn’t be here to join in. After Kyle passed and i was already doing Kindness for Kyle events, I decided it would be a great thing to do this year in Kyles honor. I mentioned it to Makayla, the oldest, she loved the idea and helped me plan it. We met and organized our food donations in yellow bins, and we set out to make our stops to First Responders, a teacher, a nurse, my son who works in young adult ministry and a free library we found along the way. we stopped for lunch first where our acts of kindness started, and we ended with ice cream & a candy hunt. We were so blessed while we blessed others. I hope to make this an annual event. We hope you enjoy the pictures of our day.

Getting our baskets ready at Grandma’s…

Stop 6- My sweet friend Marianna who teaches at a school in Lancaster city.

Third stop- LGH where my neice Kara is a rockstar nurse….

Our Vehicle is loaded….

Our first stop was at The Worship Center where my son is on staff. Sadly, he had left for a few hours so we just had to drop it at his desk…..

The fifth stop was one we almost skipped because we couldnt find the parking & because of the time but it turned out to be a fav! The guys at the Lancaster city police station went above & beyond with the girls.

Second stop was lunch at Jersey Mikes where the staff was incredibly sweet & God had set up a divine appointment for us!

We ended the day with Ice cream, a stop at the playground in the park & a candy hunt at my friends. What a super sweet day. We shared memories of Kyle along the way & talked of how much we missed him. A sweet way to honor Kyle this Easter!

Fourth stop was our Lancaster City Police Station. Always a favorite stop and today we were fortunate enough to see the Mounted unit with their police horses while there!

I brought a few books along and told the girls if we see a free library along the way we will donate the book and guess what?! We found one!! 😊

Stop 7- The girls local police station… East Lampeter Police. They were invited insde to meet some officers & given a few prizes.

Stop 8- Our last stop of our hunt was the State Police Station here in Lancaster who are also the ones who cover my area.

We’d like to give a special thank you to E&A Candies, Sweet Shenanigans Cupcakes, Ridgeview Bake Shop & Dauds Specialties for the donated goods that made this day possible!

Thank you for supporting our fun day!!

In the month of January I, Sue, decided to do an “Act of Kindness” In Kyles name to someone each day. some were people who were friends, caretakers, etc some were random stangers. I made a paper with a bit of Kyles story to go with it. Since then i’ve been continuing this on my own but not daily.

Kyles closest cousin, Michael & his fiance, Maggie.

Nathan- A sweet friend of Kyles who loved to have him over!

My sweet friend Shelvie at Church

The Care Center

My Cousin Charmaine & her family, they serve with We Care in Alabama.

My Neice, Sharon & the girls at Kens Gardens! Plant Therapy!