Kyle D Esh Trophy

Kyle D Esh Trophy

Special THANKS to those at the East Petersburg Inline Hockey league for honoring & remembering Kyle in this way. It really means the world to us!! Forever Blessed & Grateful!!

I’ll never forget that Sunday afternoon in Nashville with our daughter & family, riding home from church when we received a call from Virgil telling us the C League championship trophy was named for Kyle. We were blown away by the love shown us in this way and by this special honor given to Kyle. It was also so cool that Virgil was actually playing in that championship game. I knew it would mean so much for him to win it! I wished I could be somehow get home for the game. Sadly Virgil’s team didn’t win that game but we are hoping they can bring the trophy home some day.

I’m not sure what year Virgil started playing hockey again, this time at East Petersburg, but since I love to watch hockey and of course love to support our son, we started spending time Sunday afternoons at the games. Watching with Kyle was a bit of a challenge because he always wanted to keep moving. Normally he would either be in the wagon, or the wheelchair and Ivan & I would each take a 15 min half and walk around the rink the whole time, trying to watch and also trying to keep Kyle a happy camper. While it’s fun to play a competitive game of hockey (or any sport) and it’s great to win that trophy, we believe the friendships & relationship are the most important part of our time at the rink.

Thank you for allowing us to be a small part of your lives!

We treasure the memories made here at the rink! We are thankful for the years we had, and we appreciate all of you at the park who took the time to chat with Kyle and realizing the gift he was to us! Life is short!! Life is all about the people in our lives! Thank you for being a part of ours! We look forward to seeing Kyle again in Heaven one day, no wheelchair, no wagon & maybe even a great game of hockey with Virgil someday. Look out Virgil (and all of you) he’s gonna be ready for you!!! 😊😊 Don’t miss Heaven ya’ll!

2018-2019 seasons

In both the Fall 2021 & Spring 2022 Season my family decided to play as a team which added to the fun. The team was called Kingfisher, with most of the last names being Fisher. Having family there every Sunday was such a great time and at times one of the cousins or aunts would take a turn pushing Kyle & give us a break. We had some great times there with Kyle in those seasons.

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

Kingfisher’s- Fisher family hockey

Congrats to the winners of the Kyle D Esh Trophy…

2022 Fall Season- Mighty Ducks of Manaheim

2023 Spring Season- Booty Biscuits

2023 Fall Season- King Fisher’s

For you Kyle #24 from your family & biggest fans



I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

We absolutely love hearing memories of Kyle or stories of how he blessed your life or how his life may have challenged you in any way. Please reach out to share!!!