Kyle's Adventures

Kyle's Adventures

Kyle's Adventures

Kyle's Adventures • Kyle's Adventures • Kyle's Adventures •

Because Kyle loved going on drives, loved his car seat & then as he got older loved riding shotgun, he was a great traveler & we got to do many trips! One of our most amazing trips tho was the Disney Cruise given by the Make A Wish Organization. Take a look at the happy Mr Kyle on that trip to the Bahamas.

The two places we visited the most were Florida, where we took family vacations at our vacation home & Tennessee, where Kyles sister Kendra moved to 7 years ago. Kyle was most times a good traveler, we drove straight through the night when Ivan & I traveled with him so he would sleep for at least half the trip. When we traveled without Ivan I did day time travel because I did all the driving but we took several caretakers along to take care of the little man!! You will find more on these trips by clicking the link……

Another most memorable trip was our cruise to Jamacia in 2011 as Kendra’s graduation trip. The memories made there, the smiles from Kyle….Priceless!! for pictures of this cruise click the link…