When little things become big and the big things become little…..

There are 2 decisions I made last year that I’m so thankful for today.

That junky room that could sometimes drive me crazy. I kept putting it on my to do list each week and being frustrated that it never got anywhere. Things we didn’t use anymore, clothes Kyle outgrew, things still left here from Virgil, just all kinds of things. Then I decided to just not worry about it. It was my life not anyone else’s, I was really the only one who saw it except when Keni & Drew came home for a few nights maybe a couple times a year. (Except not that I posted this you all see it! 😂) But I figured my life was busy with Kyle and that was what mattered most to me. Someday there would come a time when i would tackle it (think 10 day shut down 😆😉 iykyk) or another season of life. But that big pile suddenly wasn’t a big deal to me anymore.   Guess what? I’m still not in the right season even without Kyle, ok in all honestly I did make quite a few loads to the consignments stores in the spring but with summer here it’s been just hanging out again! And I’m ok with that.

And then, I unplugged my TV last spring. Now I was never a big tv girl, would watch a hallmark movie in the evening while folding laundry or Sunday afternoons/evenings while the guys were watching guy stuff in the basement. Evenings was Kyle’s time with his dad so more like my time off or my time to get some work done. But I made the decision to unplug the tv to take time for me and to clear the noise and the clatter in my mind. I spent more evenings checking out my flowers gardens, sitting by the pool, a bath, going to bed early, etc Things I felt helped me better emotionally and to heal My body which in turn would help me be the best version of myself for Kyle when we were together. It helped me focus more on our time together and be more present. Something I’ll never regret.  A couple months ago I saw a hallmark movie was playing with one of my favorite actors. I thought it was new but it said it had come out in 2022. I thought to myself, “wait, how did o miss her movie?” And then I remembered I had unplugged!

Listen to what your spirit is telling you. Dont sweat the small stuff. Do what’s most important now and leave go of expectations. It might not make sense at the time but When you take those steps, and listen to that still Small voice, you might realize later how much the little decisions really mattered and how much the big stuff glaring at you really didn’t matter at all!!


Divine appointments, part 1- God speaks to my heart


The bridges & the 24 years between them…